Close the Deal:21 Sales Follow-Up Text Templates You Need

Close the Deal:21 Sales Follow-Up Text Templates You Need

  • USpeedo
  • SMS
  • 07 Dec, 2023

The Importance of Follow-Up Texts in Sales

Text messaging has become an essential sales follow-up channel. Statistics show that text messages have 6x higher response rates than cold emails, and texts are 5x faster at getting prospect replies than cold calls.

Unlike emails that get lost in the inbox or calls that go unanswered, text messages have open rates exceeding 98%. A personalized text also stands out more than yet another email.

Prospects have their phones with them at all times, so you can reach them wherever they are with a quick follow-up text. Texting complements your existing outreach across email, phone, social media and more. Use follow-up texts to re-engage cold prospects, close deals faster, and automate post-purchase communications.

With the right templates and automation tools, text messaging can transform how you connect with leads to consistently move them through your sales funnel. In this guide, we’ll cover text message templates and best practices for prospecting, meetings, closing, and customer success.

Cold Outreach Text Templates

Making that crucial first contact with a promising sales lead can be daunting. You want to introduce yourself and your offering while also clearly communicating value. The goal of your cold outreach is to land a first meeting where you can further build rapport.

Here are some effective cold outreach templates to help get you started:

Value Proposition Template

Hi [name], this is [your name] from [company]. I saw you were looking for [their need] and wanted to introduce [your solution]. We help [summarize benefit] so you can [end result]. Would you be open to a quick call to discuss?

Industry Insight Template

Hi [name], my name is [your name] with [company]. I read your post on [relevant topic] and thought you'd be interested in [summarize insight]. I work with [your niche] and am happy to share our experience getting [their desired outcome]. Are you available for a 5 minute call?

Quick Question Template

Hi [name], I'm [your name] with [company]. You posted about [problem they have], and I happen to have helped several [their industry] companies solve that exact issue. Do you have 5 minutes later today or tomorrow for a quick call? Happy to share some tips!

The key for cold outreach is to quickly establish relevance and value. Share your expertise, summarize how you can help them, and include a specific call-to-action for the next step, like a quick call or meeting. Stay focused on their needs and how you can provide a solution. With some thoughtful personalization, these templates will help kickstart the sales conversation.

Meeting Confirmation Texts

Sending a quick text to confirm an upcoming sales call or meeting is a great way to show professionalism and build excitement for the discussion.

Here are some examples of effective meeting confirmation texts:

Confirm Time

Hi [name], just confirming we are still on for our call tomorrow at 10am EST to discuss [purpose of meeting]. Please let me know if you need to adjust the time at all! Looking forward to it.

Reschedule Request

Good morning [name], hope you are having a great week so far! I'm reaching out because I unfortunately need to move our meeting scheduled for Friday at 2pm to earlier in the week if possible. Please let me know if you have any availability on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons instead. Thank you and I apologize for any inconvenience!

Meeting Day Reminder

Hi [name], just a quick reminder that we are scheduled to meet today at 4pm over Zoom. I'll send the meeting link 15 mins beforehand. Let me know if anything changes or if you need me to resend the calendar invite! Talk soon.

Video Call Link

Good afternoon [name]! Here is the link for our video call today at 3pm EST: [insert meeting link]. Please let me know if you run into any trouble accessing it. Looking forward to our discussion on [purpose of meeting].

Sending quick confirmation and reminder texts helps ensure you and the prospect are on the same page for any scheduled meetings. It also shows extra care and attention to detail. Personalize each message while keeping a professional tone.

Post-Meeting Follow-Up Texts

Following up after an initial sales meeting is crucial to keep your prospect engaged and move them towards a close. An effective post-meeting text should:

  • Thank the prospect for their time
  • Recap any key points or topics discussed
  • Share any assets or resources you promised to send
  • Set clear next steps and reiterate the value proposition
  • Include a specific call-to-action

Here are some example post-meeting follow-up texts:

Example 1

Hi [prospect name], I wanted to thank you for taking the time to meet with me and discuss [service/product]. It was great to learn more about [client need] and how [solution benefit] could help your team. As discussed, I've attached the [asset name] we provide to existing clients. Please let me know if you have any other questions! I'll follow up in a few days to discuss next steps. Thanks again!

Example 2

Great meeting you today [prospect name]! It was so nice to put a face to the name and dive into how [company] can partner with you. As promised, I've shared access to our [platform/tool] so you can experience it firsthand. Let me know if you need anything else to move forward with the trial. I'll give you a call early next week so we can discuss feedback and next steps. Enjoy the rest of your day!

Example 3

[Prospect name], I'm glad we were able to connect earlier today to discuss the challenges your sales team is facing hitting quota each month. Per our discussion, I've attached a few case studies showing how the [platform name] has helped other customers improve sales conversions by 25-50%. Does Thursday at 10am work for a quick call to demo the platform live for you and walk through pricing options? Let me know what time works best. I look forward to speaking with you then!

Closing the Deal Follow-Up Texts

After sending over a contract or proposal, it's crucial to follow up and ensure your prospect has everything they need to move forward with signing. Here are some closing stage text templates to push deals over the finish line:

Confirm Receipt of Contract

Hi [name], just wanted to confirm you received the contract I sent over earlier today for the [product/service] we discussed. Let me know if you have any other questions! Looking forward to getting your signature.

Offer Live Demo

Hi [name], I know the contract can seem a bit lengthy! Would you like me to walk through any parts of it on a quick call? I'm happy to go over everything in detail and answer any questions you have. Just let me know when works for you.

Send Deadline Reminder

Hi [name], I wanted to check in about the proposal I sent last week for [service]. Our deadline for the promotional pricing is coming up on [date], so I just wanted to make sure you had all the info you needed from me. Let me know how I can help!

Clarify Next Steps

Hi [name], I saw the contract has been opened a few times - just wanted to see if you had any follow-up questions for me, or needed anything else from my side? I'm excited to get started on our partnership for [service] as soon as we have the agreement signed. Let me know any next steps I can help with!

Share Excitement About Deal

Hi [name], so thrilled we'll be working together on [project]! I truly appreciate you putting your trust in [company] for this deal. Please let me know if there is anything else you need from me. I can't wait to see the great results we achieve together.

Following up throughout the contract process is key to guiding prospects over the finish line. Use these templates to confirm receipt, offer support, and share excitement about closing the deal.

Post-Sale Follow-Up Texts

Keeping in touch with customers after the sale is critical for building relationships and driving repeat business. Here are some effective post-sale text templates:

Thank them for their purchase:

Hi [name], this is [your name] from [company]. Just wanted to say thanks again for your purchase! We're thrilled to have you as a customer. Please reach out if you need anything at all.

Check on onboarding/account setup:

Hi [name], I'm just following up to see if you're all set up with your new [product/account]. Please let me know if you need any assistance getting started!

Share useful resources:

Hi [name], I came across this [guide/video/template] that has some great tips for getting the most out of [product]. Thought you might find it helpful! [link]

Check in on their experience:

Hi [name], I hope you've been having a great experience with [product] so far! Let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions on how we can improve. Thanks!

Upsell additional features/products:

Hi [name], I wanted to let you know about our [feature/product] that many of our customers have found valuable for [benefit]. Let me know if you'd like me to send over some more info!

Following up with customers post-sale is key for driving retention and growing the account over time. Personalized and helpful text outreach will lead to happier customers and more repeat business.

No Response Follow-Up Strategies

Sometimes, even the best crafted follow-up texts may not get a response from prospects. Here are some strategies for effectively following up again with unresponsive leads:

Timeframes for Re-Engaging

It's important not to appear overly pushy or desperate when re-engaging unresponsive leads. A good rule of thumb is to wait at least 3-5 days after your initial outreach before sending a follow-up. You can send another message 5-7 days after that if still no response. Beyond that, consider moving on or waiting a few weeks before trying again.

Re-State Your Value Proposition

Politely remind the prospect in 1-2 sentences what you can offer them and why it would be worth their time to reconnect. For example:

"Hi [name], just circling back regarding the demo of our reporting software. We can help you identify key business insights and trends from your data in minutes. Let me know if you'd like to schedule a quick walkthrough."

Offer an Incentive to Re-Engage

Providing a small incentive can motivate unresponsive prospects to reconnect. Some options are:

  • Limited time discount on services
  • Free trial extension
  • Complimentary consultation

"Hi [name], I know things can get busy, so if now isn't a good time I'd be happy to extend your free trial by 2 weeks - just let me know."

When to Move On

At a certain point, you need to determine when additional outreach becomes fruitless and it's best to move on. If no response after 2-3 follow-ups spaced over 2 weeks, the lead is unlikely to convert. Re-prioritize your time to more engaged prospects.

Writing High Response Rate Texts

Crafting follow-up text messages that drive high response rates takes some strategy. Here are some pro tips for getting your prospects to engage:

Identify Yourself and Your Company

  • Start your text by stating your name and company. This provides context right away.

  • Example: "Hi [name], this is [your name] from [company]. Just wanted to follow up on our call yesterday about [topic]."

Keep a Conversational Tone

  • Avoid overly formal language. Write texts conversationally, as you would an email.

  • Don't overthink it. Just be friendly, casual, and natural.

Include Clear Calls-to-Action

  • Every text should end with a CTA, even if just to request a reply.

  • Example: "Let me know if you need any other info!"

Reply Quickly

  • Monitor responses constantly and reply ASAP. This keeps momentum going.

  • Set text notifications and respond within minutes if possible.

Personalize Each Message

  • Use their name, reference previous talks, and add custom details.

  • Show you remember them and tie back to prior conversations.

Following these best practices will demonstrate professionalism and get higher response rates from cold outreach, follow-ups, and all your sales text messaging.

Sales Texting Platforms

Text messaging software allows sales teams to scale outbound messages while automating follow-up sequences. Top platforms integrate with existing sales & marketing stacks to enable closed-loop reporting.

When evaluating options, look for:

  • CRM Integrations: Connect texting data with your existing CRM to link conversations to contacts and view historical interactions. Popular platforms integrate with Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive, and more.

  • Email Integrations: Trigger text blasts to leads from email campaigns. Log texts in contact history alongside emails.

  • Template Library: Build reusable templates for common sales scenarios that can be customized per recipient.

  • Automated Workflows: Schedule automated follow-up sequences based on lead actions and behaviors. Send initial outreach, then follow-ups at set intervals.

  • Open & Response Tracking: See real-time delivery receipts and view historical open & response rates by campaign. Identify best performing messages.

  • Compliance: Adhere to TCPA guidelines with opt-in collection, auto-opt-out, and inactive lead handling. Maintain text logs.

  • Reporting: Measure results and ROI across texting initiatives. See popular templates, response times, and more.

Top platforms include Salesforce Sales Cloud, HubSpot Sales Hub, Outreach, Groove, and more. Evaluate options to find the best solution for your tech stack, team size, and use cases. Proper setup and training will maximize adoption and impact.

Measuring & Optimizing Sales Texts

To get the most out of your sales texting strategy, you need to closely track results and continuously optimize your approach. Here are some key metrics to monitor:

Open/Response Rates

  • What percentage of prospects open your texts?
  • What percentage respond?
  • Benchmark against industry averages.
  • Test different sender names, subject lines, timing to boost open rates.

Sales Cycle Length

  • How many days on average from first text to closed sale?
  • Can texting accelerate sales cycle vs calls/emails?
  • Review cycles for text campaigns vs other outreach.

Win Rates

  • What's your closed deal rate from text outreach vs calls, emails, etc?
  • Focus more efforts on highest converting touchpoints.

A/B Test Messages

  • Try different templates for the same purpose.
  • Vary call-to-action, tone, length.
  • Determine which versions perform best.

Continuous Improvement

  • Review top and bottom performing templates.
  • Eliminate or improve failing messages.
  • Build on success of high-converting texts.

By regularly analyzing key metrics and testing variations, you can refine your sales texting strategy over time to maximize results. Advanced tools also allow you to automate A/B testing across outreach campaigns.

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