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If you need to send an email, you need to create a template first

Request Parameters

Field NameParameter TypeDescribeRequire
ActionstringValue: CreateEmailTemplateYes
AccountIdintProject ID. Get AccountId.Yes
NamestringTemplate nameYes
SubjectstringEmail SubjectYes
AbstractstringEmail summaryYes
TriggerTypeintEmail type. 1-Trigger email 2-Batch emailYes
HtmlContentstringhtml content, Variable Insertion Method: {1}, {2}Yes

Response Parameters

Field NameParameter TypeDescribeRequire
RetCodeintWhen RetCode is not 0, the specific error description is displayed in Message. If RetCode is 0, Message will not be returned.Yes
MessagestringReturn status code description. If the operation is successful, it will be returned as empty by default.Yes

Request Example

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
"Action": "CreateEmailTemplate",
"AccountId": 1,
"Name": "hello",
"Subject": "vnSDFAjK",
"Abstract": "ulaAspXU",
"TriggerType": 1,
"HtmlContent": "your code is {1}",

Response Example

"Action": "CreateEmailTemplateResponse",
"Message": "",
"RequestUuid": "056a991a-57a7-41f4-9f6c-f90ba76ac053",
"RetCode": 0,
"TemplateId": "UET24011717KYDP2F"