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Guide to Creating SMS Templates

Note: You must upgrade your account to create templates

On this page, Template Entry, you can create and manage your SMS templates. Below is a detailed description of the page layout and features:


1. Purpose

This field is used to specify the purpose of the SMS template. For example, you can select "Notice" to define this template as one used for sending notifications. Options:

  • Verification Code
  • Notice
  • Marketing Promotion

2. Name

Required. Enter the name of the SMS template in this field. The name should clearly describe the purpose of the template for easy management and retrieval later.

3. Tags

Optional. You can select or input tags to categorize the template. Tags help in classifying and quickly retrieving different types of templates.

4. Template Content

Required. This is the most important section where you define the actual content of the SMS. You can write the text content of the SMS template in the input box. Click the magic wand icon in the top right corner to use AI to optimize the SMS content.

  • Variable Insertion: You can add variables by clicking the “+ Add Variable” button, allowing dynamic values to be inserted when sending the SMS.
  • Short Link Insertion: Click the “+ Insert Short Link” button to include short links in your SMS.
  • Template Preview: The preview area on the right will display the effect of your edited SMS template in real-time, helping you confirm its appearance.

5. Information Prompt

Above the template input box, there is an information prompt containing the following details:

  • Number of Variables Included: Shows the count of variables included in the template.
  • Current Character Count: Total number of characters in the template content.
  • Billing Count: Calculates the billing count based on the number of characters in the template (for reference only, the actual billing count includes: signature, signature symbols, variable content, punctuation marks, and unsubscribe identifiers).

6. Action Button

At the bottom of the page, there is a button to submit the template. Ensure to click this button to save the template after completing all edits.


Suppose you need to create a notification SMS template with a greeting message that includes a variable. You can follow these steps:

  1. Select "Notice" in the “Purpose” field.
  2. Enter the template name in the “Name” field, e.g., “Greeting Message.”
  3. Optionally, add relevant tags in the “Tags” field, such as “Greeting,” “Customer Service,” etc.
  4. Enter the following content in the “Template” input box:
    hello, {1}! this is a sms template.
  5. Click the submit button at the bottom of the page to save the template.

After completing these steps, your new SMS template will be created. You can view and use it on the Template Management page.