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Delete MMS Template

Invoke the DeleteMMSTemplate API to remove an MMS template.

  • After deleting the MMS template, any pending activities using this template will fail.
  • Exercise caution when deleting MMS templates, as the operation is irreversible.

Request Parameters

Parameter nameTypeDescriptionRequired
ActionstringValue: DeleteMMSTemplate.Yes
AccountIdintProject ID, Get AccountId.Yes
TemplateIds[]stringList of template IDs to be deleted.Yes

Response Elements

Parameter nameTypeDescriptionRequired
RetCodeintWhen RetCode is not 0, the specific error description is displayed in Message. If RetCode is 0, Message will not be returned.Yes
ActionstringOperation name.Yes
MessagestringWhen RetCode is not 0, the specific error description is displayed in Message.Yes

Request Example

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"Action": "DeleteMMSTemplate",
"AccountId": 1,
"TemplateIds": ["TemplateId1", "TemplateId2"]

Response Example

"Action": "DeleteMMSTemplateResponse",
"Message": "",
"RetCode": 0