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Send Batch MMS Message

Invoke the SendBatchMMSMessage API to send MMS messages in bulk.

Each batch request supports a maximum of 1000 phone numbers.

Request Parameters

Parameter nameTypeDescriptionRequired
ActionstringValue: SendBatchMMSMessage.Yes
AccountIdintProject ID, Get AccountId.Yes
TaskContent[]SendInfoBulk sending content. See SendInfo for detailed field descriptions.Yes


Parameter nameTypeDescriptionRequired
TemplateIdstringMMS template ID.Yes
SenderIdstringSender ID.No
Target[]TargetPhoneInformation of phone numbers to be sent. See TargetPhone for detailed field descriptions.Yes


Parameter nameTypeDescriptionRequired
PhonestringPhone number.Yes
TemplateParams[]stringActual template parameters for sending (not required if using a parameter-less template).No

Response Elements

Parameter nameTypeDescriptionRequired
RetCodeintWhen RetCode is not 0, the specific error description is displayed in Message. If RetCode is 0, Message will not be returned.Yes
ActionstringOperation name.Yes
MessagestringWhen RetCode is not 0, the specific error description is displayed in Message.Yes
SessionNostringUnique ID of the submission task for this session, which can be used to query the list of SMS sent in this session. This field is returned only when the number of successful submissions is greater than 0.No
SuccessCountintNumber of MMS messages successfully submitted.No
FailContent[]SendInfoWithFailureDetailed information of phone numbers that were not successfully submitted. See SendInfoWithFailure for detailed field descriptions.No


Parameter nameTypeDescriptionRequired
TemplateIdstringMMS template ID.Yes
SenderIdstringSender ID.No
Target[]TargetPhoneWithFailureInformation of phone numbers that failed to submit. See TargetPhoneWithFailure for detailed field descriptions.Yes
FailureDetailsstringReason for submission failure.No


Parameter nameTypeDescriptionRequired
TemplateParams[]stringTemplate parameters.No
PhonestringPhone number.Yes
FailureDetailsstringReason for phone number submission failure.Yes

Request Example

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"Action": "SendBatchMMSMessage",
"AccountId": 1,
"TaskContent": [
"Target": [
"TemplateParams": [
"Phone": "(1)1111111"
"SenderId": "sender id",
"TemplateId": "template id"

Response Example

"Action": "SendBatchMMSMessageResponse",
"Message": "",
"RetCode": 18046,
"FailContent": [
"FailureDetails": "failure details",
"SenderId": "sender id",
"Target": [
"FailureDetails": "phone failure details",
"Invalid": true,
"Phone": "(1)1111111",
"TemplateParams": [
"TemplateId": "template id"

"SessionNo": "session no",
"SuccessCount": 1