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Get MMS Send Receipt

Invoke the GetMMSSendReceipt API to obtain MMS sending status information.

Request Parameters

Parameter nameTypeDescriptionRequired
ActionstringValue: GetMMSSendReceipt.Yes
AccountIdintProject ID, Get AccountId.Yes
SessionNoSet[]stringCollection of SessionNo returned when sending MMS. Limited to 100 items in a single call.Yes
  • After submitting and sending MMS, you can call the GetMMSSendReceipt API to query and retrieve the status information of the MMS sent.
  • If you do not receive the status receipt immediately after sending, it is recommended to try calling again 5 to 10 minutes after sending.
  • If more than 12 hours have passed without receiving the sending status, you can contact for technical support.

Response Elements

Parameter nameTypeDescriptionRequired
RetCodeintWhen RetCode is not 0, the specific error description is displayed in Message. If RetCode is 0, Message will not be returned.Yes
ActionstringOperation name.Yes
MessagestringWhen RetCode is not 0, the specific error description is displayed in Message.Yes
Data[]ReceiptPerSessionCollection of status information. See ReceiptPerSession for detailed field descriptions.Yes


Parameter nameTypeDescriptionRequired
SessionNostringSessionNo returned when sending MMS.Yes
ReceiptSet[]ReceiptPerPhoneCollection of status information for phone numbers. See ReceiptPerPhone for detailed field descriptions.Yes


Parameter nameTypeDescriptionRequired
PhonestringPhone number.Yes
ReceiptResultstringSending status result. Enumeration values: Success-Successful; Fail-Failure; Unknow-Unknown; SubmitFail-Submission failure.Yes
ReceiptCodestringSending status code.Yes
ReceiptDescstringSending status description.Yes
ReceiptTimestringTime of the sending status report.Yes

Request Example

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"Action": "GetMMSSendReceipt",
"AccountId": 1,
"SessionNoSet": ["session no"]

Response Example

"Action": "GetMMSSendReceiptResponse",
"Data": [
"ReceiptSet": [
"Phone": "(1)1111111",
"ReceiptCode": "receipt code",
"ReceiptDesc": "receipt desc",
"ReceiptResult": "Success",
"ReceiptTime": 1672502400
"SessionNo": "session no"
"Message": "",
"RetCode": 0